What is Servo Motor and its different types?

A servo motor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity, and acceleration. In simpler terms, it is a small effective motor that is used in some serious applications that involve precise position control. 
A servo motor is controlled by sending an electoral pulse of variable width or pulse width modulation (PWM).

Different types of Servo Motor

There are two types of servo motor namely; AC and DC servo motors.

1- AC Servo Motor

They incorporate encoders that are used with controllers for providing feedback and closed_ loop control. Because they can be controlled, high accuracy can be maintained in regard to the application it is being required for. It has two further divisions that are a two_ phase AC and a three _phase AC.
The two_ phase AC servo motor is used for low power applications. The three _phase is utilized for applications where a high power system is required (the current in this type of machine is controlled in such a way that the torque and flux are decoupled. Decoupling leads to high speed and high torque response).  In order to achieve greater torque, these motors have advanced, better designs while other simpler designs use higher voltages in order to achieve this. 
Applications mainly involve robotics and automated manufacturing. For example, building a miniature walking robot, creating grippers or other mechanisms for small robots. Moving control surfaces on small model aircraft.

Advantages of AC Servo Motor

1. Offer more torque, efficiency, reliability and reduced frequency noise.
2. Require less maintenance.
3. Have a longer life expectancy.
4. The Encoder determines accuracy and resolution.

Disadvantages of AC Servo Motor

1.Complex because it requires an encoder.
2.Has poor motor cooling.
3. The Motor can be damaged by sustained overload.

2- DC Servo Motor

Most high power servo motors are mainly DC. It has a separate DC source in the winding and the armature winding field. The armature is designed to have large resistance so that the torque _speed characteristics are linear. Control can be achieved by either controlling the armature current or field current. A small change in the armature current brings about a significant shift in the position or speed of the motor. This motor offers very precise and also quickly react to start or stop commands due to the low armature inductive resistance. 

Applications of DC Servo Motor

1- Activate movements in robotics by enabling the arm to move to an exact angle.
2- Start, move and also stop conveyor belts carrying a product through various stages, example bottling, packaging.
3- Used in the camera to set a lens of a camera to enhance the focus of images.
4- Can be used in a solar tracking system to set the angle of the solar panel so that the panel stays to face the sun.
5- Used in textile industries to control knitting machines like spinning and weaving.
6- Used in the automatic door opening and closing in public places for example malls, hospitals.
7- The motor is also built into the camera to correct a lens of the camera to improve out of focus images.
8- Used in Radar systems and process controller.


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