What is Flow Sensor & its Applications?

Have your heard of a flow sensor before? If your answer is no, do not worry; you will become acquainted with what is flow sensor. Also, you will become acquainted with the applications of flow sensors. Now, let’s slow our pace a bit; it will be good to have an overview of what a flow sensor is all about before exploring flow sensor applications. Actually, it takes a proper understanding of what the flow sensor is all about in order to know its applications.

A simple definition of a flow sensor is this: a device that is used to measure the flow rate of fluids (gas or liquid). You may have assumed that a flow sensor measures only the flow rate of liquids because you thought the term “fluid” applies to liquids alone.

Well, if flow sensor was a principle or device in the biological science, then, you may be right. But, a flow sensor is a device whose origin is in the physical sciences particularly physics, or an applied science like engineering. In physics, fluid can mean either liquid or gas. A  flow sensor is part of a bigger system known as a “flow meter”. It works in conjunction with the flow meter in order give accurate fluid rate measurement.

Different types & its Applications

A flow sensor can be used to measure pressure difference between two points in a tube. It can also be used to measure the rate of mass that is flowing in tube. The kind of flow rate measurement that a flow sensor takes is what determines its application. This implies that there will be several flow sensor applications. For instance, a flow sensor that measures the flow rate of a gas via its pressure can be applied in an air conditioning system.
Some types of flow sensor will be mentioned, and their applications will also be mentioned alongside.

1- Turbine Flow Sensor

This flow sensor has a turbine installed into its housing or compartment. As the fluid passes through the turbine housing, the turbines, which are loosely bound to the walls of the housing will rotate. The higher the velocity of the turbine’s rotor, the higher the velocity of the fluid passing through the turbine housing. The rotors are connected to a sensor that measures the frequency output. Due to its peculiar features, the turbine flow sensor is used in the oil and gas industries for water and chemical injections. Aerospace industries also use this flow sensor for fuel flow measurement.

2- Ultrasonic Flow Sensor

This flow sensor employs a principle called the Doppler effect. An ultrasonic sound is released into a tube containing liquid. Irregularities like bubbles and particles reflect the ultrasonic sound. These irregularities cause a change in the frequency of the ultrasonic sound. This change in frequency is directly proportional to the flow rate of the liquid. Water waste industries employ this type of flow sensor for their work. Food and beverage companies and chemical companies also use it.

3- Water Flow Sensor

This kind of flow sensor give a precise measurement of the volume of water used in residential areas or offices. It employs the velocity and displacement flow sensor method. It is used in water management plants, irrigation plants, power and energy plants, etc.

The flow sensor is controlled using a flow sensor switch. A proper understanding of how a flow sensor works determines it range of application.


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